Born in 1966 in Leninaan (now Gyumri), Republic of Armenia
Graduated from local art school named after Mercurov
1985 Graduated from Yereavn State Art College named after P.Terlemezyan, Department of Art
1992 Graduated from Yerevan State Art-Theatre Institute, Department of Decorative Art
1992-Present Member of many republican and international exhibitions
1994-2000 Lived and created in Moscow
His works are located in many private and public galleries worldwide.
Member of the Artists Union of Armenia, International Organization of Artists UNESCO
Now lives and creates in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
When asked about his style of painting and inspiration he answered;
In my paintings, I strive to depict the feeling of happiness to which all of us strive for in my opinion. The ratio of pure colors, creating a colorful and harmonious relationship to the sun’s light provokes in the viewer a good mood, happiness, joy and desire. This is my goal as an artist.